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Wayne County 4-H News

Picture this Wayne County

The Wayne County 4-H Club Leaders met virtually on September 15 to discuss the best course of action for the club program this fall. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic and the university requirements for any in-person meetings, we came to an agreement to suspend 4-H Clubs from meeting in-person through December 2020. Also, we will not be holding an in-person 4-H Achievement Night and will instead do a virtual slide show; more information will be forthcoming. In lieu of in-person club meetings, the following is one optional activity for club members this fall. 

Details about Picture this Wayne County

4-H at Home Activities this Fall

Our office is building a menu of activities around the Head H, the Heart H, the Hands H and Health H, plus “Fun Stuff” to do this fall, since in-person club meetings have been suspended. Members will visit a website to be released in early October via email and select activities to complete. Youth need to post a picture of the activity they complete to the website as documentation that they completed an activity.

Youth that complete five activities (one from each category – the Head H, the Heart H, the Hands H and Health H, plus “Fun Stuff”) will receive the corresponding buttons below. 4-H members that do a total of 10 activities from the website will receive the leadership button too.

Electronic 4-H Enrollment this Fall

In 2019, WV 4-H began using a new database for members and volunteers designed by a company named ZSuite. A few 4-H families have been in ZSuite to register for state events or simply to check it out. Starting October 1, all families will enroll their children in 4-H through ZSuite. We will not have paper enrollment forms available this year. If you have issues with the Internet or access to it, please call our office at 304-272-6839 and we will brainstorm options.

If you turned in completed enrollment forms for the 2019-2020 4-H year, our office created an account for you in ZSuite. In order to avoid having multiple accounts for the same Household, please do not create another without first calling the office.

4-H Welcome Kit for Newly Enrolled Members

The Wayne County 4-H Club Leaders met virtually on September 15 to discuss the best course of action for the club program this fall. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic and the university requirements for any in-person meetings, we came to an agreement to suspend 4-H Clubs from meeting in-person through December 2020. Also, we will not be holding an in-person 4-H Achievement Night and will instead do a virtual slide show; more information will be forthcoming. In lieu of in-person club meetings, the following optional opportunity is available for youth this fall.

A 4-H Club Member Welcome Kit will be available for the first 100 club members who enroll between October 1 – 19 via ZSuite . The welcome kit will include promotional items and a few activities. These will be available for pick up sometime in November before Thanksgiving. We will also include county fair projects as well as project pins, certificates and fair premiums that would normally be ha nded out at 4-H Achievement Night.

Newly Inducted into the WV 4-H All Stars

Please help us congratulate these individuals from Wayne County who were inducted in the WV 4-H All Stars on Saturday September 26. Zara Harold and Chase Smith are accomplished 4-H members and Cathy Smith is a great asset to the 4-H Shooting Sports program. The WV 4-H All Stars recognize outstanding leadership and service to the 4-H program. For more information, please contact the Wayne County office at 304-272-6839.

Senior Salute - Zara Harold 2020

Travels to Kenya for International Travel 4-H Club

The International Travel 4-H Club "traveled" to Kenya earlier this week to learn about this amazing African country. Club participants studied about the country learning interesting facts for a game of Kahoot. They also made some delicious dishes at home that include Kenyan crepes (thin pancakes), coconut sweet potato pudding, Kenyan donuts, and a chicken curry. Next month the club will "travel" to Belgium. If your child is interested in joining us virtually, please call the Wayne County office at 304-272-6839.

Marah Christian with Kenyan Donuts

Wayne County Fall Cheese Fundraiser

The Wayne County 4-H Leaders will be holding their bi-annual cheese fundraiser this fall. There are some notable changes given the pandemic, as per the company we work with, that include the following:

The Wayne County 4-H Leaders will retain a 25% commission on all orders. This fundraiser helps support youth scholarships for 4-H state and national events.