Weed Management
WVU Extension agents and specialists help people keep their lawns, gardens and pastures weed free. Learn about common weeds in West Virginia.
Browse the Weed Identification GuideFind quick, safe, effective solutions to nuisance weeds. WVU Extension offers expertise and resources to help you rid your lawn and garden of problematic plants.
Weed Identification Guide
American Burnweed
American burnweed, also known as fireweed, is a fast-growing, annual weed commonly spotted in gardens and fields around West Virginia in late August and early September.
American Burnweed Identification & Growth HabitsControl of American Burnweed
Autumn Olive
One of the most invasive brush species in West Virginia, autumn olive takes water, nutrients and sunlight available for desirable plant species, and may depreciate the productive area of a pasture considerably.
Autumn Olive ProblemsMechanical Controls for Autumn Olive
Chemical Controls for Autumn Olive
Broadleaf Plantain
Broadleaf plantain is characterized by rosettes of spirally arranged leaves and numerous whitish adventitious roots that emerge from the lower part of its short stem.
Identification of Broadleaf PlantainControls for Broadleaf Plantain
Bulbous Buttercup
Bulbous buttercup is a perennial weed prevalent in pastures and hayfields, and occasionally, in lawns and gardens. It produces bright yellow flowers with cup-shaped petals glistened by a shiny upper surface when held against sunlight.
Bulbous Buttercup IdentificationControls for Bulbous Buttercup
Canada Thistle
Despite advances in modern agriculture, thistles continue to enjoy notoriety as one of the most troublesome and difficult weeds to control today.
Identification of Canada ThistleControls for Canada Thistle
Common Chickweed
Common chickweed usually has a low growing habit and tends to spread making them appear like mats or patches.
Common Chickweed IdentificationCommon Chickweed Uses
Controls for Common Chickweed
Common Groundsel
Common groundsel is an annual weed that belongs to the aster family, but it can behave as a winter annual or as a summer annual, blooming into the late-summer months.
Common Groundsel IdentificationCommon Lambsquarters
A shallow-rooted herbaceous summer annual weed, common lambsquarters is often found in disturbed soil. In small plots, hoeing and mulches can be effective controls.
Common Lambsquarters IdentificationControls for Common Lambsquarters
Common Purslane
Common purslane grows during the hottest months of the year due to its ability to store water while surviving drought-like conditions.
Common Purslane IdentificationCorn Speedwell
Corn speedwell, a winter annual, is a common landscape and lawn weed that’s also found in fields left fallow. It belongs to the figwort family along with other less common weedy speedwells.
Corn Speedwell IdentificationControls for Corn Speedwell
As lawns and gardens in West Virginia get stressed by the relentless heat of late summer, crabgrasses begin to invade those areas and bloom rapidly. Two species of crabgrasses are prevalent in the Mountain State – smooth crabgrass and large crabgrass.
Crabgrass IdentificationGiant Hogweed
Giant hogweed is a short-lived invasive perennial that can grow up to 15 feet tall, producing flowers resembling that of wild carrot, only much larger. The sap of this weed can cause severe, blistery rashes.
Ground Ivy
Ground ivy is a creeping perennial that is sometimes referred to as creeping Charlie, gill-on-the-ground and gill-on-the-hedge.
Ground Ivy IdentificationGround Ivy Control
Hairy Bittercress
Common in West Virginia lawns and gardens, hairy bittercress is a winter annual that grows predominantly in spring but is capable of germinating and growing year-round under suitable environmental conditions.
Benefits of Hairy BittercressControls for Hairy Bittercress
Hairy Galinsoga
Hairy galinsoga (Galinsoga quadriradiata), sometimes referred to as shaggy soldier, is a summer annual from the sunflower family (Asteraceae) and often invades vegetable gardens and crowds out plants.
Hairy Galinsoga IdentificationControls for Hairy Galinsoga
Japanese Knotweed
Introduced from Asia in the late 1800s as a fodder or an ornamental, Japanese knotweed has become an invasive weed in West Virginia. Because of its ability to regenerate through extensive underground rhizomes, it spreads rapidly, affecting drainage of waterways and displacing native plants.
Japanese Knotweed IdentificationControls for Japanese Knotweed
Japanese Stiltgrass
In West Virginia, Japanese stiltgrass starts to germinate anytime from late March to mid-April. It encroaches managed landscapes, such as home lawns and gardens.
Japanese Stiltgrass IdentificationControls for Japanese Stiltgrass
Growing several feet tall, Jimsonweed is characterized by irregularly toothed leaves and funnel-shaped and purplish or white flowers. They produce prickly fruits about 2 inches long with small kidney-shaped seeds, brownish or black in color.
Jimsonweed IdentificationJimsonweed Control
Mile-a-minute (Persicaria perforliata) is an invasive weed that belongs to the smartweed family (Polygonaceae) native to eastern Asia. This pest is usually seen along stream banks, disturbed sites, roadsides and rights-of-ways and can displace native plant communities.
Mile-A-Minute IdentificationControls for Mile-A-Minute
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a perfect example of a plant whose virtues are not as well understood as the menace it creates in a garden. It is native to Eurasia but has been naturalized in North America since the early settlers.
Mugwort IdentificationNimblewill
Nimblewill is a lawn weed that can slowly but surely spread across a weak lawn, giving it a patchy, dull blue-green appearance. Thanks to numerous thin, wiry stolons, it can aggressively invade a yard.
Nimblewill IdentificationControls for Nimblewill
Perilla Mint
Sometimes known as beefsteak plant, Chinese basil or purple mint, perilla mint isn't a plant that animal usually consume. However, poisoning can occur when more desirable plants are in short supply.
Perilla Mint IdentificationControl Perilla Mint
Poison Hemlock
Poison hemlock is historically considered to be one of the most toxic plants. It is a biennial weed prevalent in pastures, hayfields, damp waste areas, ditches and streambanks, and rights-of-way.
Poison Hemlock IdentificationPurple Deadnettle
Akin to henbit, purple deadnettle is a winter annual that competes with grass to allow summer annual weeds, like crabgrass, to invade. Address issues in the fall to enjoy benefits the following spring.
Purple Deadnettle Control for LawnsPurple Deadnettle Control for Gardens
Purple Deadnettle Control for Fields
Star-of-Bethlehem doesn’t have the distinct smell of wild garlic and can be identified by its slender succulent leaves that have a prominent whitish midrib with round hollow leaves.
Star-of-Bethlehem IdentificationControls for Star-of-Bethlehem
Wild Parsnips
Wild parsnip is a relative of the cultivated parsnip and can be seen growing in early spring along roadsides, ditches and the perimeter of fields. Avoid this plant due to its toxicity and ability to cause dermatitis.
Wild Parsnip IdentificationCow Parsnip Identification
Weedy Parsnip Management
Yellow Nutsedge
Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) is a perennial weed that can easily invade a lawn and reduce its aesthetic appeal. It belongs to the family Cyperceae, also referred to as the Sedge family.
Yellow Nutsedge IdentificationYellow Nutsedge Controls
Yellow Woodsorrel
Characterized by light green stems that can be purple at the lower part and often unbranched, giving rise to heart-shaped leaflets. Yellow woodsorrel's leaflets help distinguish it from clover leaves, which are not heart-shaped but look similar otherwise.
Yellow Woodsorrel IdentificationWhat's That Weed?
Poison Hemlock
Did You Know?
A few facts:
- Historic toxic plant
- Prevalent in pastures and hayfields
- Has white, umbel-shaped flower clusters
How to get rid of Poison Hemlock:
- Remove by hand
- Treat with herbicides
- Controls most effective during rosette stage
Information by Rakesh Chandran, Ph.D., WVU Extension Weed Science Specialist
Learn more about poison hemlock
Previously Seen in the IPM Chronicle
Discouraging herbicide-resistant weeds
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