The Wayne County Commissioners declared it National 4-H Week in
Wayne County October 7 - 13, 2018. Conner and Benton
Hall, of the Genoa Warriors 4-H Club, participated in this annual event which recognizes the accomplishments of the Wayne County 4-H program over the past year and encouraged members of the public to participate in the program by contacting the WVU Extension Service office in Wayne County at 304-272-6839.
Wayne County 4-H News
TSC Fall Clover Campaign Ends October 14
Many thanks to 4-H members, like Sarah Ferry of the Whites Creek Critters 4-H Club (featured above) who spent time at the Tractor Supply store in Lavalette during the fall campaign (October 3 - 14). Several 4-H members donated their time to help solicit dollars - money raised during the campaign directly supports the Wayne County 4-H Program. To learn more, please contact the WVU Extension Service office in Wayne at 304-272-6839.
Annual 4-H Chili Cook-Off Held October 13
Congratulations to the Wayne County 2018 4-H Chili Cook-off Winners! First Place
- Jon Christian, Second Place - Keith Harless, People's Choice - Keith Harless.
Thank you to our judges who helped identify our winning cooks and their chili!
The annual 4-H Chili Cook-Off is an opportunity to raise funds to help send 4-H
youth to state 4-H camps and events. To learn more about
Wayne County 4-H, please contact our office at
4-H Youth Participate in Wayne Fall Festival Parade
On October 13, several 4-H Youth participated in the annual Wayne Fall Festival
Parade. These youth include (l-r): Grayson Smith, Donna Thompson, Benton Hall,
Kevin Thompson, Delcie Thompson, Breanna Crockett, Nicholas Christian, and Conner
Hall. These youth come from our Genoa Warriors 4-H Club and our Shooting Sports
4-H Club, which are two of several 4-H Clubs in the county.
To learn more about the Wayne County 4-H Program, please contact our office at 304-272-6839.
Code Your World Delivered to Youth in Wayne County
The 2018 "Code Your World" 4-H National Youth Science Experiment features coding
and the basic principles of computer science. WVU Extension Service faculty authored
this amazing science experiment.
4-H Livestock Informational Meeting Set
Interested in showing livestock or horses at the 2019 Wayne County Fair? Attend
an informational workshop on October 29 at 6 p.m. in the
WVU Wayne County Extension Office.
National 4-H Week in Wayne County
On October 4, Wayne County 4-H members Conner and Benton Hall of the Genoa Warriors 4-H Club, presented gifts of appreciation to the Wayne County Commissioners Bob Pasley, David Pennington, and Kenneth Adkins for their continued support of the Wayne County 4-H and Extension Programs. President of County Commission, Bob Pasley read a proclamation of declaring it National 4-H Week in Wayne County starting October 7 through the 13th. National 4-H Week is a time to recognize the opportunities available through the West Virginia and specifically the Wayne County 4-H program.
Declare Animal Science Projects by January 2, 2019
Wayne County 4-H members are asked to declare any animal science project they wish to show at the 2019 Wayne County Fair by January 2, 2019. Members are asked to complete a declaration form that can be secured by emailing Julie Tritz, 4-H Extension Agent or Evan Wilson, Ag Extension Agent.
Horse & Livestock Club Recruiting New Members
The Horse & Livestock 4-H Club held their monthly meeting on September 10, 2018. The club is looking for new members. If you are interested in livestock (large and small animals) or horses, please contact the Wayne County office and we will connect you with the club leaders. Office phone is 304-272-6839. 4-H members include (l-r): Jacob Mitchell, Lauren Crabtree, Jessica Mitchell, Molly Jenkins, and Jonah Mitchell.
New 4-H Year Stars October 1
October 1 is the start of new 4-H Year. We have clubs that youth can join and opportunities for adults to serve as club leaders. If your child is interested in joining 4-H or learning more, our staff is more than happy to share information about all the great opportunities with the Wayne County 4-H Program. Feel free to call our office at 304-272-6839.