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Frequently Asked Questions for 2020 Wayne County Virtual 4-H Camps

How is camp going to work this summer?  

Wayne County 4-H Camp will include a variety of online experiences as well as “work at your own pace” activities. Enrolled youth will receive a kit with the following items: a 4-H camp t-shirt, some 4-H swag (stickers, pencils, etc.), crafts, science experiments, and other activities. It will also include a camp program booklet that provides online session details along with instructions for all the “work at your own pace” activities. The weekly schedule will have the following “look and feel”: 

  • First day of camp: online opening assembly for 1-2 hours 

  • Daily at home activities to complete at your own pace 

  • Daily one-hour online get together  

  • Last day of camp: online closing assembly for 1-2 hours  

Is 4-H Camp going to be like school? 

No. We are working on an exciting list of engaging, fun, and educational experiences to feature arts and crafts, science experiments, online games, fun challenges, and virtual field trips.

If my family does not have internet, can I still participate in 4-H camp?

Yes! While some of our activities will be online, we will have plenty of engaging activities that do not require internet access. We will be happy to brainstorm with families who do not have internet access on creative solutions.

If I’m on vacation during the week of camp, can I still participate? 

Yes! With our new camp format, 4-H camp can be conducted wherever you will be, whether that is at home or on vacation. 

What will be the time commitment? 

It is our hope that youth who enroll in 4-H camp will avail of all the wonderful activities provided in the kit. The suggested daily commitment will involve approximately 1-2 hours where one hour is dedicated to online activities and one hour is for “work at your own pace” activities.  

Does my child have to complete all the activities?

We hope your child will complete as many of the activities as possible as we are working on exciting activities that are educational, yet fun! However, if they cannot, that is ok too. We are working on prize incentives for campers who complete various camp activities. 

Will my child be safe in a virtual camp setting?

Yes! Our times online will include the 4-H Extension Agent, Extension Staff and vetted volunteers who have all had a background check and are vetted through the WVU 4-H volunteer vetting process. All our online sessions will be conducted via Zoom. These will require a password to join, thus protecting the youth we serve. Finally, when parents pick up their camp kit, they will be asked to review and sign a virtual code of conduct that will outline expected behavior during on our online sessions during camp. 

How will I pick up my kit of 4-H camp supplies?

We will arrange designated pick up sites throughout the county. The online registration has a question about the nearest place for you to pick up your kit. Our goal is to distribute 4-H camp supplies to enrolled campers the week of June 8th. We will communicate to parents their designated location and pick up times. 

What is the cost of 4-H Camp this year?

There is no cost to participate in camp this year! Since we do not have camp rental fees or food costs we are able to pass these savings onto youth. Therefore, we hope you will sign up today to participate in 4-H camp this summer!  

What are the dates for camp this year and how do I register?

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Julie Tritz, 4-H Extension Agent at 304-272-6839.

Free Register Now for Wayne County 4-H Camp-at-Home