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Wood County 4-H Woodcuts

Wood County 4-H Awards 2020

On Sunday, November 1, we honored our 4-H members for their service, leadership, and 4-H project work and our outstanding 4-H volunteers for their hard work and years of service. the Wood County 4-H 2020 Awards were sponsored by Wesbanco, 4-H Clubs and the Wood County 4-H Leaders’ Association. 

Blue Ribbons

Wood County 4-H Camp Capital Improvement

The Wood County 4-H Camp is in need of significant improvements so that we can provide opportunities for youth and families in the community for years to come. The 4-H Camp Improvement Committee has been working hard the last year two years and has secured funds from generous donors to complete several projects on the campgrounds including a complete upgrade to our electrical system, HVAC in the dorms, and coming in October, renovations to the Show Barn and a new barn addition.  We were able to complete these projects thanks to grants from the Ross Foundation, the McDonough Foundation, Our Community Foundation, 4-H groups, and individual donors.  The committee had planned to roll out a public fund-raising campaign in the spring, but due to COVID, that was delayed. We are now ready to open up the campaign to the public to raise additional money to help us reach our goal! We’ve raised more than $162,000 to date!

A New 4-H Year Begins

enroll in 4-H picture

Club leaders are working very hard and doing a lot of paperwork/planning to make these meetings possible. MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCING are MANDATORY! Please be kind and respect the rules as we all navigate through these very unprecedented times together! We want to see the kids, so we need to make sure we’re keeping them safe! Please be kind to the staff and volunteers as we do not make the rules!

Wood County 4-H Camp Drive-Thru Ox Roast

4h campground entry sign

The Wood County 4-H Campground will hold its Annual Ox Roast as a Drive-thru fundraiser on Saturday, October 3, 2020 from 4 - 8 pm. The cost of the meal is $12, and will consist of pit roast beef, baked potato, slaw, green beans, roll, and cookies. To keep everyone safe - volunteers will social distance and wear masks, and we ask that customers remain in their cars and also wear masks while taking orders. The meals will be delivered to your car window!

Wood County Virtual 4-H Camp Awards 2020

Wood County 4-H Camps went virtual this summer due to COVID-19. Campers were given a "Camp Fun Box" full of 4-H Swag, camp class supplies, a t-shirt designed by 4-H'er Mallory Marks that claimed, "We Still Bleed Green in Quarantine!" and some DIY STEM kits. 

Thanks to the support of United Way Alliance of the Mid-Ohio Valley and generous donations from 4-H Clubs and individuals, we were able to provide campers with all camp supplies and items at no charge. 

Wood County Virtual State and County 4-H Exhibit Results 2020

Wood County 4-H members showcased project work virtually this year. Members work all year on their projects, and then typically compete at the county fair. Due to COVID-19 and the cancellation of fairs and festivals, Wood County 4-H members exhibited their projects in a virtual showcase! 

A total of 94 virtual project exhibits were showcased in several categories. The 4-H program teaches life skills like how to sew, cook, and more. Project work in 4-H connects youth to their interests - building skills for future interests and even careers. 

Wood County Youth Register for FREE Virtual Summer Programming

Camp URL logo with a graphic of kids connecting with others and sharing their interests digitally

Register online today
If you are already enrolled as a Wood County 4-H Member for 2020, log in to your current ZSuite account. If you have NOT already made an account enter your email address and the password is 1234. If you did not provide an email address to us on your enrollment forms, then we made your email under (this needs to be changed). If you are NOT enrolled for 2020 you will need to make an account at Or call the office, 304-424-1960, leave your name and contact phone number and we can register you!