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Archived News

WVU Extension Service agent’s work spurs on Buffalo Creek recreation and tourism

Pedal car sits on track on Buffalo Creek Recreation Trail.

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – In a sense, for many West Virginia University Extension Service agents, a normal work day is anything but. As an agent in one of West Virginia’s 55 counties, typical office hours could bring questions about invasive plant species or pests, canning questions, 4-H meetings and more — especially in counties where there are two, or sometimes only one, agent. The work doesn’t pause after work hours and on weekends.

WVU and Ohio State leaders discuss the future of Cooperative Extension

Students use 3-D printing pens to create symbols

The Cooperative Extension System has been the outreach arm of land-grant universities throughout the nation since the establishment of the Smith Lever Act in 1914. Armed with research and knowledge, Cooperative Extension experts live and work in communities, providing valuable education and resources to help citizens improve their lives and their communities.

WVU and Ohio State team up to bring agricultural podcast to listeners

Karen Cox and Dan Lima in the radio station for Extension Calling.

West Virginia University Extension Service has long been known for bringing educational research and know-how to homes and communities throughout West Virginia. Now, WVU Extension Service’s Ohio County agriculture and natural resources agent Karen Cox is teaming with the Belmont County Extension Educator from The Ohio State University, Dan Lima, to expand that information to West Virginians, Ohioans and the world via the “Extension Calling” podcast.