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CAMP Access grant to send youths to 4-H camp

Three girls holding a West Virginia University and 4-H clover flag at a state camp.

Leadership, strategic thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills are key characteristics of successful people. Through support from the National 4-H Council, more West Virginia youths will have an opportunity to develop those critical skills by attending the WVU Extension Service 4-H Older Members Conference (OMC).

Environmental Protection Agency releases glyphosate assessment updates

On April 30, 2019, the Environmental Protection Agency took the next step in its review of the common herbicide, glyphosate . The agency released its scientific findings and suggested management procedures as part of the Draft Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments for Glyphosate.

According to this decision, the EPA has continued to find that there are no risks to public health when glyphosate is used in accordance with its current label and that glyphosate is not a carcinogen. The EPA has proposed new management measures to help users limit spray drift, protect pollinators and reduce the prevalence of glyphosate-resistant weeds. These measures are intended to help growers safely maintain glyphosate as a tool.

West Virginia Girls Who Code 4-H Club earns spot in Facebook hackathon

Plane Janes Girls Who Code 4-H club members practice computer coding as part of Facebook's Engineer for a Week.

Today’s youths are in tune with and committed to a variety of social issues facing our nation and world. A group of West Virginia 4-H’ers is using their savvy computer and coding know-how to virtually address one of those critical issues – stereotypes. Their work has earned them one of 40 spots nationwide in a Facebook hackathon.