Apply for 4-H Scholarships
Thank you for your interest in WVU 4-H Scholarships!
West Virginia 4-H and WVU Extension have several generous donors who provide
aid to potential students every year.
Keep in mind that you must reapply each year for scholarship consideration.
Application for the 2025-2026 academic year opened on January 1, 2025 and will remain open until March 1st, 2025.
If you have any questions about the scholarships you can achieve through 4-H, or
the college process in general, please email Rachel Meininger.
WVU 4-H Scholarships
- Burkey & Marylou Lilly Scholarship
- Charles Ralph Dague Marshall County 4-H Award
- Marshall County 4-H Leaders Association Scholarship
- Mildred Fizer Scholarship for 4-H'ers
Helen T. Waters 4-H Scholarship
- John & Lucile Lough 4-H Scholarship
Ken Bragg 4-H Scholarship
- Paul A. & Francena L. Miller Presidential Scholarship
- Totterdale Freedom Scholarship
- West Virginia Cashin Recyclables Inc. Putnam County Scholars
- William "Bill" Frye, III 4-H Scholarship Wood County 4-H Scholarship
Other WVU Extension Scholarships
Other WVU Scholarships
Leadership ScholarshipsWVU, WVU Tech, and WVU Potomac State will provide incoming 4-H freshmen a $500 scholarship
annually for up to four academic years (total of $2,000) if the 4-H'er was selected
to be a delegate to the National 4-H Congress or have received a West Virginia
4-H charting pin. Youth or families will work directly with the WVU scholarship
office in submitting the requirements of this scholarship. The student must
obtain a letter (on WVU Extension letterhead) from their 4-H Extension Agent noting
that they have successfully met the Congress or Charting requirement. This letter
must also include the student’s first and last name and their WVU ID # or birthdate.
Specific questions about scholarship eligibility can be directed to the
WVU Hub.
Learn about WVU Leadership Scholarships