Light from the sun provides the solar energy used by plants for photosynthesis. Heliotropism, or solar tracking, is when a plant follows the movement of the sun during the day. Rooted in ancient Greek, “helio” refers to the sun and “tropism” means a turning or movement of a living organism toward or away from an external stimulus, such as light, heat or gravity.
Lawn, Gardening & Pests News
The Role of Pollination
Pollination is essential for reproduction in seed-bearing plants, and therefore, much of the foods and ecosystems we enjoy.
Worms, Worms, Worms
Earthworms benefit your garden soil in many ways. These underground excavators burrow channels in soil, making it more porous and improving drainage. They also bring some of the subsoil closer to the surface, mixing it with topsoil and increasing the amount of quality planting soil available.
How Plants Use Water
Water is an essential nutrient for plants and comprises up to 9
5% of a plant’s tissue. It is required for a seed to sprout, and as the plant grows,
water carries nutrients throughout the plant. Water is responsible for several
important functions within plant tissues.
Germinating Seeds
Germination is the process by which a plant grows from a seed into a seedling. Seeds remain dormant until conditions are favorable for germination. All seeds need water, oxygen and optimal temperature to germinate.
A Note from the Dean
Dear Friends of WVU Extension,
Seed Libraries
Seed libraries are a great way to find seeds you need, can’t find anywhere else or would like to try. They also provide a wonderful opportunity for you to share extra seeds you have with other growers in your area.
Heritage Squash
Squash is one of North America’s oldest cultivated crops. It was originally one
of three primary crops grown by Native American groups.
Heritage Corn
For centuries, humans have grown grains for food, animal feed and countless other uses. Today, we enjoy our corn roasted, popped, grilled, creamed and made into a longtime favorite of West Virginians, cornbread.