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Lawn, Gardening & Pests News

Ag Alert! Oak Shothole Leafminer Outbreak

Adult stage of oak shothold leafminer.

Oak shothole leafminer has caused significant damage to oak trees in several counties in West  Virginia this summer. It also has been reported to be in a few other states, including Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Oak shothole leafminer is an insect that  belongs to the order Diptera and is native to the United States. However, its biology and damage to oak trees have not been widely studied.

Heritage Melons

Heritage melons grow in the field

Melons have long been favored for their sweetness and ease of growing with their cultivation having been documented as far back as ancient Egypt.

Proper Soil Moisture

Moldy mildew on a plant.

Typically, soil moisture is out of our control, unless growing crops in a high tunnel or greenhouse. In a perfect gardening world, it would rain as often as the crops need watered but that’s not always the case. Too much water can cause leaching of nutrients and diseases, and not enough water will result in a small harvest or plant death.

Become an Extension Master Gardener This Fall

gardening tools on top of soil.

WVU Extension Service Master Gardener training is typically offered through in-person courses organized by WVU Extension Service offices around the state. Due to the persistent risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have modified how we will work with our clientele through the fall. WVU Extension Service will continue offering online Master Gardener training classes for the fall, beginning on August 20, 2020.

Heritage Beans

Heritage beans climbing twine.

Beans have been grown in home gardens for years. In fact, beans have a richer genetic diversity in Appalachia than anywhere else in the world.