Art 4-H Project Area

The 4-H Art project area consists of one project manual that contains two years of activities.
Get Started In Art explores the basic elements of visual art through activities on color, line, space, balance and more, and then, you will complete your own work of art. Ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design and crafts are all possibilities. Appropriate for members of all skill levels and ages, this project can be repeated as long as new learning takes place and new works of art are completed.
Each year, 4-H members should complete the required number of activities for that
level. Members will also take part in at least 1 learning experience, at least
1 leadership/citizenship activity, and complete a project review.
Download a copy of the scoresheet to determine what is expected for project completion.
Year 1: Complete the first 5 activities in the project book.
Year 2: Complete the last 5 activities in the project book.
Exhibit Ideas
- Activity 11 (p. 28) - Your exhibit should focus on one or more of the art concepts, elements, and principles discussed this year in the book. You may extend one of the activities, choose from among the projects listed at the back of this book, or develop your own exhibit. Also include your written responses to the More Challenge activities.
How Do I Sign Up?
The first step is to
create an enrollment in our ZSuite website.
For Art, you should search for:
Project Videos
Coming soon!Related Events & Camps
No events available at this time.
4-H Art Project Resources
Art Education
WVU College of Creative Arts
We combine the benefits of a small studio program with the resources and facilities of a major research university. Our graduates are certified to teach grades pre-K through 12 and have a high job placement rate.
- Art, Drama, and Music Teachers
- Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors and Illustrators
- Craft Artists
- Elementary, Middle, and Secondary School Teachers
- Photographers
Art History
WVU College of Creative Arts
interdisciplinary field drawing on philosophy, history, literature,
religion and mythology, Art History examines works of art and their
contexts. Our program combines the benefits of a small, close-knit
program with the facilities and resources of a major research
- Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers and Athletes
- Archivists
- Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary
- Curators
- Museum Technicians and Conservators
- Secondary School Teachers
- Tour Guides and Escorts
Art History major information
WVU College of Creative Arts
Our nationally recognized Ceramics program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design. We offer an immersive art experience that combines a small studio environment with the resources of a major research university.
- Art Directors
- Craft Artists
- Curators
Ceramics major information
WVU College of Creative Arts
Our BFA program provides training in many different materials and processes for making three-dimensional work. We offer an immersive art experience that combines a small studio environment with the resources of a major research university.
- Art Directors
- Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors and Illustrators
- Curators
Sculpture major information
WVU College of Creative Arts
offer an immersive art experience that combines a small studio
environment with the resources of a major research institution. You'll
train in traditional and experimental oil and acrylic media and explore
both figurative and abstract imagery.
- Art Directors
- Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors and Illustrators
- Curators
WVU College of Creative Arts
Our BFA program focuses on the development of personal imagery while cultivating foundational skills. Along with the resources of a major research university, we offer an immersive art experience in a small studio environment, providing individual attention to promote student growth.
- Art Directors
- Artists, Including Painters, Sculptors and Illustrators
- Curators
Printmaking major information
Graphic Design
WVU College of Creative Arts
immersive art experience combines a small studio environment with the
resources of a major research university. You’ll get the skills, theory
and aesthetic practice you’ll need for a career in the ever-evolving
field of graphic design.
- Art Director
- Commercial and Industrial Designers
- Desktop Publishers
- Graphic Designers
- Multimedia Artists and Animators
- Video Game Designers
Interactive Design for Media
WVU Reed College of Creative Arts
Are you creative and love all things tech? Does uncharted territory excite you? Professionals in this field use graphics, animation, apps and more to create interactive audiovisual media experiences, from mobile phone apps to video game production and beyond.
- Graphic Designer
- Multimedia Artist or Animator
- Video Game Designer
- Art Director