Keep Your Members Coming Back for More!
Learning Objectives
- Participants will identify strategies that lead to successful community club experiences for youths.
- Participants will list the key components of a strong 4-H club.
Essential Elements: Belonging, Independence, Mastery and Generosity
“It is clear that community 4-H club meetings must offer true, valuable experiences for members in order for 4-H to be a vital and meaningful in the lives of young people.”
The 4-H club model is designed for youth members to lead 4-H community club meetings
with caring adults serving as advisors in supportive roles. 4-H club opportunities
directly affect the types of experiences that youths will have in 4-H. This is
especially true for the beginning members. Carefully crafted 4-H club meetings
are vital to youths’ success with the experience.
Youth Leadership
Club officers have an important responsibility to their club, the 4-H program, and
to the public. Youth members make the club’s decisions, with leadership provided
by the club’s officers. The Growing Up Speaking Up fact sheet shares ideas for
youth engagement. Adult volunteers are present as advisors, project leaders
and facilitators to nurture and guide the youth leadership process. (England, et
al 2008)
Elected youth officers must understand that they are responsible for planning,
managing and implementing the club’s business and programs. Officers must learn
and carry out the duties of the office, attend meetings and club activities, actively
represent 4-H in the community, and let the leader know if they are unable to attend
a meeting.
Youth develop life skills in the following areas when they serve in leadership
- Planning and organizing skills
- Teamwork, leadership and social skills
- Communication and public speaking skills
- Self-responsibility and decision-making skills
- Record keeping and management skills
Making it Real
Strong clubs have in common proper planning, good communication, fun activities,
teamwork, a welcoming environment, following 4-H guidelines, and wise use of time
together (England et al, 2008)
Proper Planning - High quality youth development experiences don’t just happen
- they are carefully planned. Before the club year begins, the 4-H club volunteer
leader and the officers should meet to complete the following tasks:
Review the duties of each officer.
- Set annual club goals for membership, programs and community service. This can be accomplished as a planning meeting with all members.
- Develop a year-long club program calendar.
- Plan the club budget.
- Planning should occur monthly before each meeting.
- The president works with the volunteer leader to formulate the meeting agendas.
- Touch base with the secretary to ensure that the minutes are complete, ready for the meeting, and include the necessary items (new and old business, motions made, the treasurer’s report, and committee reports).
- Touch base with the treasurer to ensure that all financial items are in order and a treasurer’s report is complete and ready to share with the membership.
- Have the details been coordinated for the planned educational program?
- Are volunteers ready to lead any planned community service activities, recreation,
Communication - Members needs a copy or online access to the club’s annual
plan. This keeps everyone on the same page and lists responsibilities and
expectations for each member. These expectations can include a monthly breakdown
of who is responsible for the following: refreshments, readings, demonstrations,
community service activities, recreation, programs, clean-up, etc. A club must
create a plan for reaching out to members about information, updates, cancellations
or short notice meetings.
Offer Fun activities - It’s important that 4-H club meetings are fun!
Recreation and programs, planned by the recreation leader or teen leaders, will
be successful if they are hands-on, physically active, and fun. Activities
that allow members the opportunity to get to know each other, make new friends
and enjoy each other’s company, build relationships among members and improve member
retention. If a guest presenter is invited, the program should be engaging,
hands-on and provide information on topics of interest to most members.
Practice Teamwork - During 4-H club meetings youth officers and volunteer
leaders must work together as a team. Clear communication, expectations and
follow through are essential for a positive experience for all participants. Work
together with team members on all activities including the set-up and clean-up
of the meeting space.
Create a welcoming environment - A survey of first-year families indicated
that a lack of understanding of the 4-H program, and never feeling welcome or part
of the group, were major contributors to a family’s decision to drop 4-H (Astroth,
- Greet members, parents, and guests as they arrive.
- Be aware and offer help as needed to members and their parents or guardians.
- Be ready to answer questions and assist new or younger 4-H members as they become
acquainted with 4-H terms. They will have questions and be unsure about activities.
Follow the Rules and Meet Deadlines - 4-H clubs must provide physically and
emotionally safe environments for members. Ensure that all volunteer paperwork
and training is up to date and maintain proper volunteer to member ratios. As
a youth event, it’s important to submit all required items by the deadline to the
faculty member in charge of 4-H in the county. This can include, but is not
limited to the following: fundraiser forms, budgets, secretary and treasurer
books, sign-in sheets, and an annual 4-H club year plan. Submitting items
in a timely manner and keeping volunteer paperwork up to date will ensure the club
complies with extension’s guidelines. Fiscal responsibility also falls into this
category. All 4-H clubs must follow WVU’s Best Financial Practices to ensure
a transparent process.
Use Time Wisely - Families and youth members live very busy lives. It’s
imperative to the success of the 4-H community club that the club meeting is considered
time well spent. We can help ensure this when:
- Meetings start and end on time,
- The business meeting runs smoothly and efficiently,
- Distractions during the meeting such as talking, unsupervised underage siblings, etc. are limited, and
- Meaningful, worthwhile educational programs and community service activities are
Club Tool Box
Remember these tips when planning for your successful 4-H club year:
- Communicate
- Expect youths to lead
- Make sure meetings are fun
- Practice teamwork
- Be welcoming
- Follow the rules and meet deadlines
- Use time wisely
- Astroth, K. (1985). The Challenge of Retaining 4-H Members. Journal of Extension [On-line], 23(3) Article 3FEA4.
- Cassels, A., Post, L., Nestor, P. (2015). The 4-H Club Meeting: An Essential Youth Development Strategy. Journal of Extension [On-line], 53(1) Article v53-1a4.
- England-Lord, S., Coleman, R., Hartley, D., Tate, D., Lipscomb, J., Post, L., Whitt, M., Pollard, M., Nestor, P., Woloshuk, J. (2008). Handbook for 4-H Club Officers: Leaders Guide. West Virginia University Extension Service, Morgantown, WV.
- Lewis, K., Ewers, T., Miller, J., Bird, M., Borba, J., Hill, R., Rea-Keywood, J.,
Shelstad, N., & Trzesniewski, K. (2018). Addressing Retention in Youth Programs:
A Survey for Understanding Families’ Experiences. Journal of Extension [On-line]
56(3) Article v56-3tt3.
Strong 4-H Clubs Series passed National 4-H Peer Review in February 2022