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WVU Extension Service invites home gardeners to tune in to food preservation webinar series

Canned peaches in jars, whole fresh peaches and other canning supplies in front of large canners.

Growing season is in full swing across the Mountain State. And, as gardens begin to ripen, some home gardeners might look to food preservation to extend the life of their harvest. Thanks to a team of food preservation experts with West Virginia University Extension, the food preservation knowledge our residents need can now be delivered right to their homes.

Beginning on Monday, June 22, food preservationists of all experience levels can participate in a seven-part webinar series that will cover everything from the equipment needed to safely preserve to the various methods that can be used to preserve your garden’s bounty and more.

Each Monday through August 3, a different WVU Extension expert will cover a new topic during that webinar session. All sessions will take place from 11 a.m. to noon. Our experts will cover the following topics on these dates:

  • June 22: What You Need to Know About Food Preservation 101 (required before taking other courses)
  • June 29: Hot Water Baths and Canning Peaches
  • July 6: Pressure Canning and Hot Water Baths to Preserve Tomatoes and More
  • July 13: Pressure Canning Green Beans
  • July 20: The Art of Canning Meats
  • July 27: Beyond Canning: Freezing and Drying Fruits and Vegetables
  • August 3: Beyond Canning: Freezing and Drying Meats

The webinar series will be both interactive and educational, allowing participants to ask questions and engage with the presenter even though they’re joining remotely.

Though it might not be as personal as a traditional class, the virtual nature of this series provides participants with the chance to preserve their foods right along with the presenter in the comfort of their own home, if desired. Registered participants also will have the ability to go back and watch the recorded sessions again at a later time as a refresher.

“Past generations relied on food preservation to ensure their families had food during the winter months. While that’s not as necessary today, food preservation is still a great way to get the most use out of our fresh produce, meats and more,” Hannah Fincham, WVU Extension agent in Randolph County and webinar presenter, said. “Food preservation methods have been updated many times since our grandparents’ days though. So, it’s important for those who want to preserve their foods to participate in opportunities like this series to learn how to do so safely.”

Those who are interested in participating can register online for the food preservation webinar series.

Participants will be provided with information about how to join the webinar after registering. No previous food preservation experience is required; however, participants who have not completed the first session – What You Need to Know About Food Preservation 101 – will be asked to do so before joining any of the webinar sessions.

The webinar series is free and open to the public. Participants of all ages are welcome.

