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Wildflowers 4-H Project Area

Spring Wildflowers

Collect 20 spring wildflowers; make a study of 10 of these wildflowers; learn parts of a flower; label, dry, press and prepare 15 plants; learn five plants that can be used for food; use a photo for rare plants; make a seed and/or fruit collection of five spring wildflowers; and make a fresh or dried wildflower arrangement.

Exhibit: Dried specimens, seed and/or fruit collection, and fresh or dried arrangement.

Summer and Fall Wildflowers

Collect and identify 20 summer and fall wildflowers; study 10 of these wildflowers, answering questions found in the project book; learn parts of a flower; label, dry and press 15 plants; collect seeds and/or fruits of five summer and fall wildflowers; learn five plants that can be used for food; and make a fresh or dried flower arrangement.

Exhibit: Fifteen dried specimens, collection of five seeds and/or fruit, and fresh or dried flower arrangement.