Meat Goat 4-H Project Area
The 4-H Meat Goat project area consists of three project manuals. Each manual covers
three years of activities.

- Just Browsing (Meat Goat 1) explores meat goat body parts, meat goat selection, breeds, record keeping, meat goat and dairy conformation, show preparations, sportsmanship, meat goat health, feed selection and several management skills.
- In Get Growing with Meat Goats (Meat Goat 2), you will explore meat goat diseases, selecting stock, poisonous plants, body condition, water quality, goat predators, kidding, meat goat reproduction and showing meat goats.
- In Meating the Future (Meat Goat 3), you discover how to select breeding sires, balance a ration, prevent diseases, control internal and external parasites, practice biosecurity, practice sound ethics, conduct a meat goat judging clinic, judge goats, give oral reasons and explore meat goat products.
If a member completes the 9 years of project manuals, they can work with their county Extension professionals to determine their learning opportunities for their remaining 4-H years.
Each year, 4-H members should complete 7 activities in the project manual as well as the planning pages at the beginning of the manual.
There are not separate documents with the scoresheets for meat goat project series. Scoresheets
can be located inside the Record Guides on page 2.
Record Guides
Youth who has selected a Meat Goat 4-H project typically are raising an animal
as part of their project work. A project record guide is part of the animal science
project experience. If you enroll with an animal, you will need to select
the Breeding Livestock Record Guide (Breeding Meat Goat) or Market Livestock Record
Guide (Market Goat) to accompany this project. Record guides are
available in both a print and electronic format.
Paper Record Guides
Market Livestock Record Guides (ages based on Jan 1st of current 4-H year)- Ages 8-10 – Beginner Market Livestock Record Guide
- Ages 11-13 – Intermediate Market Livestock Record Guide
- Ages 14-20 – Advanced Market Livestock Record Guide
Breeding Livestock Record Guides (ages based on Jan 1st of current 4-H year)
- Ages 8-10 – Beginner Breeding Livestock Record Guide
- Ages 11-13 – Intermediate Breeding Livestock Record Guide
- Ages 14-20 – Advanced Breeding Livestock Record Guide
For most species, the supplement records are lifetime production records, so the 4-H member updates these each year that an animal is a part of their project. Members will need to complete a supplement sheet for each animal included in their record guide. These supplement records will be available online only.
- Meat Goat
Electronic Record Guides
Goat-less Meat Goat Project
If you enroll in this project area without an animal, check with your local Extension professional for approval and guidelines.
Exhibit Ideas
- Most youth in this project area will exhibit an animal at a livestock show.
Poster, Story, and/or Model on one of the following topics:
- Meat Goat 1 - meat goat body parts, meat goat selection, breeds, record keeping, meat goat and dairy conformation, show preparations, sportsmanship, meat goat health, feed selection and several management skills.
- Meat Goat 2 - meat goat diseases, selecting stock, poisonous plants, body condition, water quality, goat predators, kidding, meat goat reproduction and showing meat goats.
- Meat Goat 3 - breeding sires selection, balance a ration, prevent diseases, control internal and external parasites, practice biosecurity, practice sound ethics, conduct a meat goat judging clinic, judge goats, give oral reasons and explore meat goat products.
- Examples of Blue Ribbon Exhibits
How Do I Sign Up?
Project Videos
Related Events & Camps
No events available at this time.
Animal Health & Quality Assurance (AH&QA)
Youth exhibitors required to complete the online quality assurance training must do so starting April 1st and no later than June 30th in order to exhibit at any fair, festival or show taking place the remainder of that calendar year in West Virginia.
WVU Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design
WVU Potomac State College - 2 year program
The bachelor of science program in Animal and Nutritional Sciences, is
designed to provide students with the academic requirements for entry
into professional schools or colleges of veterinary medicine.
- Veterinarian
- Medical Doctor
- Dentist
- Medical research
Animal & Nutritional Sciences
WVU Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design
WVU Potomac State College - 2 year program (Animal Science)
So, you love animals but don’t want to be a veterinarian. The bachelor of science
in agriculture in animal and nutritional sciences is for you.
- Agricultural production
- Agribusiness Management
- Animal and food science sales
- Research and development
- Animal pharmaceutical sales
Agricultural & Extension Education
WVU Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design
WVU Potomac State College - 2 year program
Agriculture remains an important component of educational programs
across the U.S., and the Davis College prepares students for a variety
of careers in the field.
- Agriculture teaching
- Extension agent
- Production and technical agriculture teaching
- Professional employment in government, industry or entrepreneurship
Agribusiness Management
WVU Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design
WVU Potomac State College - 2 year program
The general agricultural economics area or concentration provides a
basic background for a variety of careers related to agriculture.
- Agricultural business manager
- Farm loan officer
- Purchasing agent
- Grain merchandiser
- Agricultural marketing specialist
- Government inspector
- Farm equipment sales/service rep
- Commodity broker
- Financial consultant
- Credit loan officer
- Agricultural chemical sales
- Dairy plant manager
Potomac State College
Veterinary Medicine
Agribusiness Management
Agriculture & Extension Education
Animal Science Potomac State College Two Year Majors