Soil Fertility & Fertilizers
The potential yield of a forage crop, be it pasture or hay, is based on the soil the crop is growing in and the fertility of that soil. The following set of fact sheets and accompanying spreadsheets provide fertility recommendations using current soil test results from any of a number of soil testing labs used throughout the Mid-Atlantic area. Also included is information on comparing the value of different sources of agricultural limestone.
The fertility recommend tool provides recommendations based on the productivity potential of the dominant soil in a field. Another resource to become familiar with is the USDA Web Soil Survey. The Web Soil Survey allows you to determine the soils in a hay field or pasture and provides a description of the characteristics of those soils and has links to a number of other fact sheets dealing with soils and soil health.
Grow your knowledge
- How to and the importance of soil sampling and testing
- How to measure the quality of agricultural limestone
- A calculator to simplify the blending of basic fertilizers
- Taylor forage fertilization based on harvested forage yield
- Lime and liming seminar videos
- Lime and liming management
- Low-rate application of pelleted lime when bulk agricultural lime is not available
- Choosing a magnesium fertilizer for pasture and hay fields
Quick guide to calculating the fertilizer value in hay
Quick guide to calculating the value of nutrients in fertilizers
Urea as a nitrogen fertilizer in vegetable gardens
Master the subject
- WVU Extension fertility recommendation tool for small farms
- The value and how to use precision agriculture for nutrient management and yield estimates
Crop Fertilization Recommendation Software and Databases
Crop Fertilizer Recommendations Part A
Crop Yield Relation to Soil Characteristics in West Virginia
Pasture and Hay Production Potential in West Virginia