Wood County Afterschool
4-H Afterschool is a special focused effort within the 4-H Youth Development Program that helps 4-H and other youth-serving organizations create and improve after-school programs in urban, suburban, and rural communities across the U.S. 4-H Afterschool is one of the various delivery methods through which 4-H programming is implemented; bringing community-based organizations access to the considerable resources of 4-H and the Cooperative Extension System of the nation’s land-grant universities and the USDA.
In Wood County, the WVU Extension partners with organizations to offer training to staff who work with afterschool programs, as well as curriculum and activities that are both fun and educational. In addition to programs, 4-H Afterschool Clubs are also forming in the area.
For more information about 4-H Afterschool or starting a club, contact Jodi Smith at 304-424-1960.
WVU Extension is a member of the WV Statewide Afterschool Network.