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Wirt County Energy Express

Wirt County Energy Express Site at Wirt County Primary Center

Date: TBD
Location: Wirt County Primary Center

Applications will be sent home with children at Wirt County Primary Center and Middle School in March.  You can also download the child application from this page.

What is Energy Express?

About Us

Energy Express is a free award-winning, six-week, summer reading and nutrition program for children in first through sixth grades living in West Virginia’s rural and low-income communities. This program aims to prevent the “summer slide,” in which children regress in their reading skills because they aren’t learning during the summer.

During Energy Express, children statewide increase or maintain their reading levels through creative, colorful and captivating uses of books, art, drama and vocabulary. Volunteers, mentors and staff create a print-rich environment where students have access to books and printed materials, opportunities to read and write, and the chance to explore the meaning of text through engaging activities. Daily read-alouds and take-home books are a staple at Energy Express. This unique approach makes reading interesting and fun for students, motivating them to continue learning.

Our program also provides children with two nutritious meals each day during the program, helping to ensure our youths are fed each day even after the school year comes to an end. 

Energy Express will run from  June 16 to July 25, 2025.

If you’re a parent looking to register your child for Energy Express,  contact your local WVU Extension office. Energy Express is offered in various counties at select locations.

Connect with Us

Follow the Energy Express social media pages to stay up to date on all the information and news about Energy Express in your community and around the state! 

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Get Involved with Energy Express

Opportunities with Energy Express

The best gift that you can give to Energy Express is the gift of your time. Energy Express needs college students interested in serving through AmeriCorps, educators looking for summer employment, and volunteers willing to read to children or perform other tasks. Community organizations can also sponsor an Energy Express site.

Learn More About Energy Express

AmeriCorps Community Coordinators & Mentors

AmeriCorp VolunteerIn your role as an AmeriCorps member within the Energy Express program, you'll dedicate your summer to supporting the youth of West Virginia and fostering community engagement. You'll engage Energy Express participants in various educational and creative pursuits, including reading, writing, art, drama, and enjoyable, non-competitive recreational activities. Applications open in November, with a March 1 priority deadline and a May 1 application deadline. Interviews begin after the priority deadline and end when all positions are filled, so it is best to get your applications in early!

Energy Express will take place from June 3- July 25, 2025. AmeriCorps members begin training on June 3, and the first day for children at sites is June 16.

AmeriCorps members are eligible to receive a $1,565.08 educational award, $4,050 living allowance and 300 service hours.  

Volunteer Opportunities

Reading partners

From planning, recruitment and funding, to reading aloud – there’s always a task to be completed if you’re willing to share your time. Some volunteers serve daily at Energy Express sites. They assist with art, drama and one-on-one reading. Other volunteers might show up less frequently, serving as “guest readers” or helping with a specific project. Volunteers also help serve meals, take dictation from children, staff school offices, offer art activities, listen to children read, and share their special interests and experiences. For information on how to volunteer with Energy Express, contact your local WVU Extension office.

Sponsor an Energy Express Site in Your Area

To sponsor an Energy Express site, a community coalition of parents, groups and organizations develops a proposal, generates a required local match and fills a variety of support roles—resulting in shared ownership, diversified funding and program sustainability.

To apply for a site, more than 50 percent of the children in a school community must be eligible for free or reduced-price meals.

Energy Express is typically housed in school facilities that otherwise would stand empty during the summer. However, community centers and churches are also used in some areas.

During Energy Express, parents and community members are encouraged to support children in a variety of ways. Through home visits and personal contacts, Energy Express mentors and volunteer coordinators invite parents to volunteer during the program. Some sites offer parents learning opportunities in supporting children’s learning, family nutrition and parenting skills.

Many community members and service organizations donate their time and talents. Volunteers read aloud, help serve meals, take dictation from children, staff school offices, offer art activities, listen to children read, and share their special interests and experiences. To learn more about sponsoring and starting an Energy Express site in your community, contact your local WVU Extension office.