Nutrient Deficiencies in Plants
Normal growth and development of a plant depends on the availability of various mineral elements in suitable combination in the soil or any growing media. Some elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur, are needed in relatively large amounts and are termed major, or macro, nutrients. Other elements, such as iron, boron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc, are needed in very small amounts and are termed minor or trace nutrients. Regardless of the amount required, all of them are essential to plants for completing the life cycle.
Since major elements are taken up and used by plants in higher amounts, these nutrients need to be replenished more often than the minor elements. When any of these elements are present in concentrations lower than the minimum levels needed or plants can't take them up in sufficient amounts, plant growth and development is compromised. Most nutrient deficiencies cause internal or external symptoms that may appear on any or all organs of the plant. Plants that grow in soils with nutritional deficiencies, or in soils where nutrient uptake is hindered, may also be more susceptible to infection. For example, brown spot of rice, which is caused by the fungal pathogen Cochliobolus miyabeanus, is much more severe in nutrient-deficient plants.
What causes plants to have nutrient deficiencies?
Nutrient deficiency may occur due to one or more of the following reasons:
- The soil or growth medium is deficient in the required nutrient.
- The soil is not sufficiently moist to allow the roots to take up and transport the nutrients.
- The soil is not deficient in the nutrient, but another factor limits the plant’s nutrient uptake ability. Some nutrients, for example, are more available to the plant at certain pH levels.
- The nutrient is unable to reach the organ where it is needed most. (Example: Blossom end rot of tomato, pepper, and eggplant)
- A too-high concentration of one nutrient may outcompete the uptake of a similar nutrient. (Example: Calcium uptake can be suppressed by the presence of excess potassium, sodium or magnesium.)
What does a nutrient deficient plant look like?
Plants suffering from nutrient deficiencies present a number of symptoms (Table 1).
Table 1. Symptoms associated with deficiencies of different nutrients.
Deficient Nutrient | Function of Nutrient | Symptoms of Deficiency | Example |
Nitrogen (N)
Present in most substances of cells
Plants grow poorly and are light green in color. Lower leaves turn yellow or light brown and stems are short and slender. |
Phosphorus (P)
Present in DNA, RNA, phospholipids (membranes), ADP, ATP, etc. |
Plants grow poorly and leaves are dark green with purple tints. Lower leaves
sometimes turn light bronze with purple or brown spots. Shoots are short
and thin, upright, and spindly.
Potassium (K)
Acts as a catalyst of many reactions
Plants have thin shoots, which in severe cases show dieback. Older leaves
show chlorosis (loss of the normal green) with browning of tips, scorching
of margins and many brown spots usually near the margins. Fleshy tissues
show end necrosis (death of localized tissues).
Magnesium (Mg)
Present in chlorophyll and is part of many enzymes
First older, then younger leaves show interveinal chlorosis, become mottled
and yellow, then reddish. Sometimes necrotic spots appear. Tips and margins
of leaves may turn upward and leaves appear cupped. Leaves may drop off.
Calcium (Ca)
Regulates the permeability of membranes; forms salts with pectins; affects activity of many enzymes |
Young leaves become distorted, with tips hooked back and margins curled. Leaves may
be irregular in shape and ragged with brown scorching or spotting. Terminal
buds finally die. Plants have poor, bare root systems. Causes blossom end
rot of many fruits. Increases fruit decay in storage. May be responsible
for tip burns in mature detached lettuce heads at high temperatures.
Boron (B) |
Not really known; affects translocation of sugars and utilization of calcium in cell
wall formation
Bases of young leaves of terminal buds become light green and finally break down.
Stems and leaves become distorted. Plants are stunted. Fruit, fleshy roots
or stems, etc., may crack on the surface and/or rot in the center. Causes
many plant diseases: heart rot of sugar beets, brown heart of turnips,
browning or hollow stem of cauliflower, cracked stem of celery, corky spot,
dieback and rosette of apples, hard fruit of citrus, and top sickness of
Sulfur (S) |
Present in some amino acids and coenzymes
Young leaves are pale green or light yellow without any spots. Symptoms resemble t hose of nitrogen deficiency. |
Iron (Fe) |
A catalyst of chlorophyll synthesis; part of many enzymes
Young leaves become severely yellowed, but main veins remain characteristically green
(interveinal chlorosis). Sometimes brown spots develop. Part or entire
leaf may dry up. Leaves may shed.
Zinc (Zn) |
Part of enzymes involved in auxin synthesis and in oxidation of sugars
Leaves show interveinal yellowing. Later, they become necrotic and show purple pigmentation.
Leaves are few and small, internodes are short and shoots form rosettes.
Fruit production is low. Leaves are shed progressively from base to tip.
Causes little leaf of apple, stone fruits and grape; sickle leaf of cacao;
white tip of corn; etc.
Copper (Cu) |
Part of many oxidative enzymes
Tips of young leaves of cereals wither and their margins become yellow. Leaves may
fail to unroll and tend to appear wilted. Heading is reduced and heads
are dwarfed and distorted. Citrus, pome and stone fruits show dieback of
twigs in the summer, burning of leaf margins, yellowing, etc. Vegetable
crops fail to grow.
Manganese (Mn) |
Part of many enzymes of respiration, photosynthesis, and nitrogen utilization
Leaves become yellow, but smallest veins remain green and produce a checkered effect.
Necrotic spots may appear scattered on leaves. Severely affected leaves
turn brown and wither.
Molybdenum (Mo) |
Essential component of nitrate reductase enzyme
Melons and probably other plants exhibit severe yellowing and stunting and fail to
set fruit.
How can I tell the difference between a nutrient deficient plant and one with another disease?
Plants may suffer from a wide variety of problems that show similar symptoms. If a grower is unable to identify the cause of a plant’s problem, a remedy will be difficult to find. If the problem is biotic (caused by a living organism), some sign of the organism is usually visible, especially upon careful examination after incubation under humid conditions. Insects are often present on the plant or they may leave traces, such as webbing, eggs or cocoons. Fungi may be visible as fuzzy threads or a powdery coating. Bacteria may cause affected areas to appear slimy or water-soaked.
Abiotic problems (those stemming from non-living sources, such as environmental stress or nutrition) may cause the plant to appear generally unhealthy. The whole plant may look sickly or be stunted in growth. The foliage may begin to yellow or turn bronze or brown. A simplified diagnostic flow chart (Figure 1) can be used to make a visual diagnosis of a nutrient deficiency disorder.
Figure 1. Key to visual diagnosis of nutrient deficiency.
The best way to check for a lack of nutrients in the soil is to test a sample of the soil in the laboratory. While there are do-it-yourself kits available, your county’s WVU Extension agent can provide the necessary supplies and technical assistance for proper sample collection and submission. The resulting soil analysis report will provide information on soil deficiencies and will make recommendations on how to correct them. Table 2 outlines the causes of common nutrient deficiencies of the soil and ways to correct them.
Table 2. Corrective measures for nutrient deficiency.
Deficiency | Common Cause | How to Correct |
Nitrogen | Excessive
watering or waterlogged soil
Soil low in organic matter Crop rem oval |
Water plant less or ensure the area has adequate drainage.
Amend soil with a source of organic matter. Grow legume crops, or fertilize using manure, blood meal, fish meal or inorganic fertilizer. |
Phosphorus | Cold, wet soil in early spring
pH too high or low Crop removal Compacted soil |
Ensure area has adequate drainage.
Use soil amendment, such as lime, to adjust pH. Fertilize using bone meal, rock phosphate, ammonium phosphate or manure. Till or plow soil. |
Excessive watering
pH too high Crop removal |
Water plant less.
Amend soil to adjust pH. Fertilize using wood ash, greensand, potassium sulfate or potassium chloride. |
Magnesium | pH too acidic
Crop removal |
Amend soil to adjust pH.
Fertilize using dolomitic lime, Epsom salts or foliar sprays of magnesium sulfate. |
Calcium | Excessive or not enough watering
Crop removal |
Adjust watering schedule.
Fertilize using gypsum, calcitic lime, calcium sulfate, calcium nitrate, calcium carbonate or dolomitic limestone. |
Boron | pH too high or low
Sandy soil with low organic matter Lack of nitrogen Crop removal |
Amend soil to adjust pH.
Amend soil with a source of organic matter. See nitrogen correction above. Fertilize using borax, sodium or calcium borate. |
Sulfur | Sandy soil with low organic matter
Crop removal |
Amend soil with a source of organic matter.
Fertilize using gypsum, ammonium sulfate, calcium sulfate or elemental sulfur. |
Iron | pH too high
Soil low in organic matter Crop removal |
Amend soil to adjust pH.
Amend soil with a source of organic matter. Fertilize using foliar applications of iron chelates, ferrous sulfate or ferrous ammonium sulfate. |
Zinc | pH too high
Soil low in organic matter Lack of nitrogen Crop removal |
Amend soil to adjust pH.
Amend soil with a source of organic matter. See nitrogen correction above. Fertilize using foliar applications of zinc sulfate. |
Copper | Compacted soil
Lack of nitrogen Excess watering Crop removal |
Till or plow soil.
See nitrogen correction above. Water less and ensure area has adequate drainage. Fertilize using copper sulfate or other copper salts. |
H too high
Lack of nitrogen Crop removal |
Amend soil to adjust pH.
See nitrogen correction above. Fertilize using manganese sulfate as either a foliar application or soil amendment. |
pH too acidic
Crop removal |
Amend soil to adjust pH.
Fertilize using sodium molybdate as foliar application or soil amendment. |
Agrios, G.N. 2005. “Nutrient deficiencies in plants.” Plant Pathology . 372-373. K.D Sonnack (ed) Elsevier Academic Press, London, UK.
Photo credits: Nutrient deficiency in plant. and from online sources.
Bierman, M.P. and Rosen, C.J. 2005. “Diagnosing Nutrient Disorders in Fruit and
Vegetable Crops.”
Author: Mahfuz Rahman, WVU Extension Specialist – Plant Pathology
Last Reviewed: February 2022