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Gardening Wishes for the New Year from our Associate Dean

Associate Dean Jennifer Williams smiles with a bouquet of zinnia flowers.

Happy New Year Garden Enthusiasts!

I have many fond memories of growing up on our family farm in Hardy County. Each spring, my dad would plow a large area behind the house for the garden and my mom would carefully select and buy the plants. Then, when the heat of the day had subsided, we would all head out to plant. My uncle would assist in our efforts by planting beautiful zinnias, that to this day, are my very favorite flower. It truly was a family affair at the farm.  

My favorite time was harvesting and preserving our bounty. Time spent in the kitchen with my mom preserving the myriads of products from our labors is a memory I cherish. I try to continue the tradition each summer as physical work and the memories I recall are therapeutic and so very good for my soul.  

As I turn the pages of this garden calendar, I think about summer days gone by and the people I hold most dear. I see my dad’s callused hands, and I hear my mother’s infectious laugh. I am reminded of how the simple act of gardening enhances my overall health. The invigorating physical exercise, the mental relaxation and the emotional fulfillment allow me to better face the stressors in life.  

My wish for you is spend some time in the garden. Plant some flowers or try a new vegetable variety. Whether it is a family affair or something you like to do alone, time is in the garden promotes wellbeing for both you and the environment, and it is never time wasted.  

Happy gardening!

Jennifer Ours Williams
WVU Extension Associate Dean