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Master Gardeners

Berkeley-Jefferson Extension Master Gardeners

Master Gardener Logo with no background

The Master Gardener program is conducted by WVU Extension Service through the county extension offices. The program is designed to use the services of volunteers trained in home horticultural to share their knowledge with other county residents.

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Become a WVU Extension Master Gardener

The Berkeley-Jefferson Course ordinarily begins in January and is held in a hybrid approach. Seven core courses will be held virtually, and in-person classes are held every other Monday evening. The in-person classes are held at:
WVU Kearneysville Tree Fruit Research & Education Center
67 Apple Harvest Lane
Kearneysville, WV 25430.

Program topics include botany, plant problem diagnosis, soils, ornamental plants, pest management, fruits, vegetables, and plant propagation. WVU Extension Service staff, Master Gardeners, and local area experts
serve as class instructors.

The fee to cover costs for the Master Gardener Manual and badge is $100; payable upon an applicant's acceptance into the program.

To request a course application when available, or if you have questions, please call the Jefferson County Extension Office at 304-728-7413, or send an email inquiry to the Jefferson County Extension Office.

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Who We Are

Officers & Key Organizers

President: Emily Walker 
Vice President: 
Secretary: Sharon Coombes
Treasurer: Bill Conley

Continuing Education:  
Garden Fest and Plant Sale: Paul Elliot, Kathy Huey
Intern Training: 
Public Education: 
Member Services and Retention: Audra Weisenberger
Judicial Center Rain Garden: Mary Palmer
Publicity: Marilyn White
Ranson Community Garden: Jean Marie King
State Representatives: Sharon Coombes - Berkeley County, Audra Weisenberger - Jefferson County
Tomato Fest: Susan Belmont, Tina Hanigan