Hancock County Family & Community Development
WVU Extension experts are at the forefronts of health and relationship education in West Virginia communities. For parenting tips, relationship education and information about family programs, visit WVU Extension's youths and families section. For recipes, nutrition advice, heart health information, fitness tips and more, check out our food and health section. The Family Nutrition Program shows people better ways to maximize value while cooking healthy meals.
About Community Educational Outreach Service (CEOS)
All About Community Educational Outreach Service
Members of WVCEOS are people like you!
Together, members conduct and participate in motivating educational activities that help members continue education, serve their community and socialize. Join the CEOS organization by calling your local WVU Extension office and start making a difference today.
A statewide club supporting West Virginia since 1914
WVCEOS is a voluntary, nonprofit organization functioning in cooperation with West
Virginia University Extension. It is one of the largest educational organizations
in the nation.
Over the past decade, West Virginia CEOS members performed more than 5.6 million
hours of service for communities in need.
CEOS program areas of emphasis include preserving the environment, building family strengths, and increasing awareness of our global interdependence.
Through dedicated service and continued education, CEOS members strengthen
individuals, families and communities across West Virginia.
In West Virginia, the first club (then a Farm Women’s Club) was established on December 14, 1914. Today, approximately 2,000 members participate in this outstanding program, available in all 55 counties.
CEOS in Hancock County
Hancock County has one CEOS club, the Newview Club, formed when the New Manchester and Fairview clubs merged. The group holds its meetings on the first Thursday of each month at the Hancock County Senior Services Center, at 11 a.m. A light lunch is followed by a business meeting and monthly lesson. The public is always cordially invited to attend the meeting and lesson and, also, to join the group for lunch.*
*If having lunch, the usual Senior Center fee applies.
Learn about the Newview CEOS Club
2018 CEOS Educational Topics
Above, representatives of the Newview CEOS club at the 2017 West Virginia Community Educational Outreach Service Conference at Jackson's Mill.
2025 CEOS Lessons
Features ten topics to explore.
Lessons are provided to CEOS Clubs and made available for download as 508 accessible PDFs for two years following publication. Then they are archived as a group Zip file by their year of publication.
Your Grandson's Not in Jail - How to Avoid Being Scammed
In a world where clicking, swiping and digital transactions are the norm, it is unfortunate that seniors often find themselves particularly at risk. In this Lesson, learn different types of scams to identify and avoid.
Backstitch: A Brief History of Needles, Bobbins and Stitches
Learn and explore the evolution of sewing technology, techniques and how and when to use different stiches.
Cup of Comfort: Coffee and Its Uses
Learn the rich history of coffee and discover the many uses of coffee and the grounds. And then explore the rising health benefits associated with coffee.
A Guide to Conquering the Houseplant Jungle
Increase your knowledge of proper houseplant care, common problems and the best remedies.Then also identify easy to care for and pet-friendly houseplants to have in your home.
Echoes of the Past: Creative Writing for Legacy Building
Brainstorm ideas to generate a list of potential stories to write and learn to apply writing techniques to capture your memories. Then learn the importance of preserving your life stories and create a plan to share your memories with family and future generations.
Mail Pouch Barns
Learn how national advertising campaigns began in West Virginia. Then we will talk about the last of the barn partners, Harley Warrick. And last, learn how these structures survived federal regulations.
Home Grown: West Virginia Made Products We Love
First, You will explore popular West Virginia products. Then you will be introduced to some hidden treasure products you will want to check out. Finally learn about the importance of supporting local vendors and producers.
Christmas Cookies: History and Sharing of Baked Goods
In this Lesson you will be introduced to the background of common holiday traditions. Learn tips for successful cookie baking. Then discuss and share holiday heritage traditions.
Make it! Decorating for the Holidays with Handmade and Natural Décor
In this Lesson you will learn new ways to create holiday decor for your home. Save money and conserve your holiday budget by using found or inexpensive items for decor.
Emergency Preparedness 101:Plan, Prepare, Prevail
In case of an Emergency at home, you will learn topics to discuss with family, what items are needed to have on hand for a disaster kit, identify measures to take when evacuating your home, and many other useful tips in this Lesson.
2024 CEOS Lessons
Features eleven topics to explore.
Lessons are provided to CEOS Clubs and made available for download as 508 accessible PDFs for two years following publication. Then they are archived as a group Zip file by their year of publication.
Teaching Appalachian Heritage Cooking to Children II
Part two: A fun way to teach children about our Appalachian heritage is to make traditional recipes together and talk about the connection with history, family and the community.
Bridging the Gap – Involving Younger Generations in Service
This lesson will explore generational differences and the potential barriers faced by the younger generations to volunteer and get involved! Additionally, it will provide best practices related to recruiting new members and engaging them in both community and service!
Dancing for the Health of It,
Dancing is a great way to improve your physical and mental health. Learn dance moves from the decades and how the movements help with heart health, diabetes, weight control. Learn dance moves to improve balance mobility, for all ages! Learn how dancing will improve mental health and brain activity Learn how dancing can add FUN to your daily life!
The Art of Afternoon Tea
Learn about the history behind afternoon tea, the traditional foods that accompany a tea meal, and how to serve simple or elaborate afternoon tea party. Recipes for scones, tea sandwiches and cookies will be shared.
Preventing Suicide in our WV Communities
This lesson will focus on raising awareness of suicide prevalence and learning ways to recognize warning signs of suicide. Often times people feel that they aren't equipped or trained to help in a crisis situation but the reality is anyone can help in a crisis situation. We will detail steps everyone can and should take to help prevent suicide.
Take Me Home, Country Roads
The popular John Denver song, "Country Roads," has been around for 50 years and has become a staple of West Virginia culture. This lesson will trace the origins of the song and how it has grown in popularity over the last 50 years.
Beverly, WV: Small Town, Big History
First known as Edmundton, Beverly is a small rural town in Randolph County, West Virginia. Learn the big history of this small town.
The Bloom Room: Floral Design Basics
Floral design is the art& of creating arrangements that convey meaning and emotion with flowers, leaves, ornaments and other objects using design principles.
Home Grown: Appalachian Crafts from the Past
In Appalachia, crafts were created for necessity. Handmade quilts, coverlets, pottery, wood carvings, and woven baskets were beautiful and supported the region's self-sufficient people. This lesson explores Appalachian craft history and ways individuals can preserve and teach the next generation.
Restoring and Refinishing Furniture
In this lesson you will explore a few different levels of ease in restoring furniture. From a quick clean up to make it usable, but "antique"; to chalk paint; to full on restoration.
2023 CEOS Lessons
Features thirteen topics to explore.
Lessons are provided to CEOS Clubs and made available for download as 508 accessible PDFs for two years following publication. Then they are archived as a group Zip file by their year of publication.
Join the Newview CEOS Club or Start a Club
For information on how to become a member of the Newview CEOS club, or to start a
CEOS group of your own, contact the
Hancock County Extension Office at
304-564-3805, or County Council President Janet Keller at