WVU Hancock County Extension
At your service in our community.
Upcoming Events of Interest to Hancock County
View Hancock County's EventsHancock County in the News
Leggett begins role as WVU Extension agriculture and natural resources agent for Randolph and Upshur counties
For Brittany Leggett, the newest West Virginia University Extension agriculture and natural resources agent for Randolph and Upshur counties, the mission of Extension and her passion for education have always been integral to her personal and professional goals.
Hancock County Celebrates National 4-H Week
During 4-H Week, remind youth and alumni of 4-H programs, and why this program is
so important!

Read Hancock County Celebrates National 4-H Week
Announcing Inaugural Hancock County Garden Contest
Are you a home gardener? Lett-uce see your work by entering the first annual Hancock County Home Gardening Contest!
Here’s how to enter the Hancock County Garden Contest:
A. Call us at
304-564-3805 for a registration form. There are two categories (vegetables
and flowers) for you to choose from - enter either or both!
B. By August 15, 2018, you can:
Take some digital photos of your garden and email them to
Read Announcing Inaugural Hancock County Garden Contest
Part of the National Cooperative Extension System
All universities engage in research and teaching, but the nation’s more than 100 land-grant colleges and universities including WVU, have another critical mission: Extension. Extension means reaching out, and along with teaching and research land-grant institutions extend their resources, solving public needs with college or university resources through local programs. With more than 3,000 county offices in the USA, the National Cooperative Extension System is the local front door for many citizens to their state land-grant institutions.
Putting Knowledge to Work!
The West Virginia University Extension works to provide solutions in your community through key programs and resources, including agriculture and natural resources; 4-H and youth development; food and nutrition; health and wellness; financial planning; and home gardening. These research-based programs and services are available to all Hancock County residents thanks to the tremendous support of our community members, local organizations, volunteers and local partners, including the Board of Education and County Commission.
Hancock County Highlights
- Extension agents from Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall and Wetzel counties created the NOPAN Padlet Challenge to engage youths in 4-H activities. A total of 72 members participated in synchronous or asynchronous activities with more than 200 youth engagements recorded.
- Hancock County Extension agent continues as the statewide trainer on the LifeSkills training program, which is an evidence-based substance abuse prevention program. The workshop was provided to 20 individuals in Mercer and Wyoming counties.