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Healthy Lifestyles

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The WVSAN realizes the importance of our youth and communities being healthy. We are dedicated to providing our communities with the knowledge to encourage young people to make the choices that will lead to better health. Afterschool and summer programs are the perfect settings to encourage youth to make the choices to promote better health and participate in physical fitness activities, resulting in a healthier lifestyle and increased academic performance.

WVSAN Health Ambassador program provides intentional opportunities for youth to promote healthy lifestyles programming meaningfully in their communities through afterschool and out-of-school time opportunities. The Health Ambassadors are teens in 8-12 grades who have a passion for and active engagement in one of the key areas of healthy living: nutrition, physical activity, alcohol-tobacco-drug intervention, safety or social-emotional health (such as bullying or teen mental health).

The WVSAN Health Ambassadors

  • Provide county leadership for teaching Health Rocks! and other health curriculums to younger youth in afterschool settings
  • Participate on the WVSAN Healthy Lifestyles Committee
  • Provide support for other county-wide health initiatives
  • Represent WVSAN Health Ambassadors at state and national events such as:
    • Lights on Afterschool
    • health fairs, and
    • visits with State Legislature and the Afterschool Challenge on Capitol Hill
  • Serve as spokespersons at local or state events


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