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Youth & Family News

Move into March with Virtual 4-H Special Interest Clubs

West Virginia 4-H is excited to kick off ten new virtual 4-H Special Interest (SPIN) clubs in March. These virtual 4-H SPIN clubs will focus on different topic areas and will last between four to six sessions. Additional virtual SPIN clubs will come online throughout the spring, so stay tuned for April and May clubs!

These 4-H SPIN clubs are open to 4-H members. There will be opportunities for Cloverbuds  announced soon. Be sure to read each club description to determine which age groups are invited to participate.  Each club is a little different.  Some clubs are designed to help 4-H members with their project work, but not all of them.  All youth are welcome to join a SPIN club to learn, no matter their project area!

QuaranTEEN - Winter Series

3 teenage boys sitting in a row outside facing the camera

The WV 4-H Teen Council is hosting a virtual QuaranTEEN Series. This Winter 4-H series is for teens will cover the Hs(Head, Heart, Hands, Health) through conversation and hands on activities. There will be four session in this series. The first session in the series will focus on the H hands and Teens will learn to make fresh homemade bread. This is for youth ages 13-18.  You do not need to attend all four workshop

Mini-Grants available to 4-H members enrolled in the My Hands to Larger Service projects

Girl sitting on floor surrounded by donations of plastic shopping bags

Last year, the West Virginia 4-H All Stars generously funded to four mini-grants for West Virginia 4-H  teens/teen leader groups to assist in the planning and completion of a community service project through the My Hands to Larger Service 4-H ProjectThe 2020 projects were diverse and creative. The images shown are from Wood County's Recycled Sleeping Mats for the Homeless project, where the Teen Leaders learned to repurpose plastic shopping bags to make sleep mats for the local homeless population.

December 4-H Updates

You are invited to join a 4-H Special Interest (SPIN) clubs starting the week of January 18, 2021. There are seven different virtual programs lasting 4-6 weeks depending on the topic. Programs are free and offered to all youths in grades 3rd – 12th. 

Choose a topic of interest to you, then register online through ZSuite. To register for a SPIN Club go to and enroll in 4-H with your county. Then select the “event” option to choose the topic.

WVSAN Wants You To Apply for An Afterschool MiniGrant

The West Virginia Statewide Afterschool Network (WVSAN) with support from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation is offering mini-grants of up to $7,500 each to support strengthening relationships of Out of School Time (OST) sites, child care centers serving the school aged population, and afterschool programs with their local school systems to work to together to address the extraordinary needs of youth and families during COVID-19.

November 4-H Updates

Youths across the state are invited to participate in several upcoming virtual 4-H workshops. The workshops are free and offered to all youths in 3rd grade and above.

4-H member with camera taking a picture