Upcoming 4-H opportunities statewide
- Eastern Region 4-H WINTER SPIN Clubs – Open Statewide
- 4-H Youth Forestry Judging Competition Virtual Training Series
- WV Pen Pal Program
Mini-Grants available to 4-H members enrolled in the My Hands to Larger Service
Eastern Region 4-H WINTER SPIN Clubs – Open Statewide
You are invited to join a 4-H Special Interest (SPIN) clubs starting the week of January 18, 2021. There are seven different virtual programs lasting 4-6 weeks depending on the topic. Programs are free and offered to all youths in grades 3rd – 12th.
Choose a topic of interest to you, then register online through ZSuite. To register
for a SPIN Club go to
4h.zsuite.org and enroll in 4-H with your county. Then select the “event” option
to choose the topic.
All start times will be 6:30 p.m.
Tuesdays, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23
Explore plants, animals, soils, bugs and more during weekly, fun hands-on activities to learn about the exciting world agriculture.
Instructors – Brooke Alt, WVU Extension 4-H Pendleton County, and Jesica Streets, WVU Extension 4-H Tucker County.
Beginner CS First Scratch – Mondays, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8
Computer coding is for everyone! Bring your creations to life using code during four interactive sessions to create animated programs with moving figures, sound, and creative backgrounds using Scratch and Google CS First. This class is for individuals with no or minimal experience in block-based programming.
Instructor – Cindy Smalley, WVU Extension 4-H Morgan County
Intermediate CS First Scratch – Thursdays, 1/21,1/28, 2/4, 2/11
Do you have some experience with Scratch and Google CS First? This class will help take your skills to the next level. Students will create animations, interactive artwork, photo filters and other exciting, artistic projects using code.
Instructors – Amanda Johnson, WVU Extension 4-H Jefferson County, and Cindy Smalley, WVU Extension 4-H Morgan County
Global Foods
– Tuesdays, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23
Explore global foods while making simple dishes to explore the world! Each week you will receive an ingredient list to be ready to cook along with Alex Coffman.
Instructor - Alex Coffman, WVU Extension 4-H Grant County
Healthy Snacks – Wednesdays, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
Join with 4-H members from the region to learn about and create healthy snacks.
Instructor/Coordinator – Kelly Hicks, WVU Extension 4-H Hampshire County and Margaret Miltenberger, WVU Extension 4-H Mineral County
4-H Photography – Wednesdays, 1/20, 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24
Join us for a weekly photography class focused on a skill. The take their shots and upload them to our group Padlet to share and compare techniques! Photo awards will be given!
Instructor – Michael Withrow, WVU Extension 4-H Berkeley County
This is 4-H! – Mondays, 1/18, 1/25, 2/1, 2/8
Learn all about 4-H through week interactive hands-on activities!
Instructors – Brooke Alt, WVU Extension 4-H Pendleton County, and Elizabeth Metheney, WVU Extension 4-H Hardy County
To register for a SPIN Club, go to https://4h.zsuite.org/ and enroll in 4-H with your county. Then select the “event” option to choose the Club.

We are pleased to announce that WVU Extension will be offering a monthly virtual training series to educate and engage West Virginia 4-H junior and senior youths, as well as agents and volunteers, interested in forestry and forestry judging competitions. Students do not need to be on a forestry judging team to participate.
These statewide virtual workshops will occur monthly from November through April and will be hosted by Dave McGill, our WVU Extension forest resources management specialist, and Candace DeLong, our agriculture and natural resources extension agent from Hampshire County. Registration via Z-Suite is required. Links to the Zoom meetings will be emailed to registrants.
All workshops are from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Dates and Topics will be:
- Thursday, January, 14, 2021: National Topographic Contest, Tree ID, Forest Insects & Diseases
- February, March and April dates and topics will be announced ASAP , but are pending confirmation from guest speakers. Tentative dates are: 2/10/21, 3/16/21, and 4/14/21
To register for these workshops, go to https://4h.zsuite.org/ and enroll in 4-H with your county. Then select the “event” option to choose the topic. Workshops are for West Virginia 4-H members, 4-H volunteers, and 4-H professionals.
The West Virginia 4-H Program is offering a Pen Pal program for youth of all ages to make new friends across our great state. Youth who register will be paired up with another youth to begin communicating with - either electronically or via written letter. The deadline to register is Sunday, January 10, 2021.
Pen Pal Introductory Sessions will be offered February 2, and February 4, 2021, at 5 p.m., and 7 p.m., (you need only attend one) to announce pen pals, review guidelines and other pertinent information related to the program. If you have questions, please contact Becca Fint-Clark ( Becca.Fint-Clark@mail.wvu.edu) or JR Davis ( Jeffery.Davis@mail.wvu.edu).
Register for this program by visiting https://4h.zsuite.org/.