Hello from the WVU Extension Office. We are receiving many questions concerning the
status of the 2020 Wood County 4-H/FFA Livestock Show and Sale to be held July
12-18. We understand that many families are wanting to know if they should invest
in 4-H and FFA livestock project animals.
The response to the spread of COVID-19 is unprecedented as everyone has their families
and community’s health and well-being as the number one priority. We will have
to wait and see what the next few weeks hold before any decisions can be made regarding
the livestock show and sale.
Currently, we encourage families to look at their own situation and use their own
on judgment whether to invest money into a 4-H/FFA livestock project animal. Families
should consider when making their decision to purchase an animal, the investment
they are making IF the sale would not occur. As future decisions are made regarding
livestock taggings, workshops and the show and sale itself we will issue updates
through the Wood County Extension Office.Thank you for your understanding and patience.
We wish your families the best.
JJ Barrett