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Mental Health & Wellness in Jefferson County

Stress Less with Mindfulness

mother and daughter on yoga mat

Are you skeptical about the benefits of being mindful, of being “in the moment”, of meditation? Here is what we know about practicing mindfulness:

  • It can lower cortisol levels and blood pressure;
  • It can increase immune response;
  • It can have impact on brain structure;
  • Mindfulness programs are widely used in universities, hospitals; Silicon Valley and Fortune 500 companies, and Pentagon chiefs. There are certified mindfulness instructors in every state.

This ancient practice helps people extend the benefits of relaxation into more areas of their daily lives. Mindfulness involves a combination of slowing down, doing one activity at a time and bringing full awareness to both outer activity and inner experience. It provides a potentially powerful antidote to the common causes of stress: time pressure, fragmentation, overload, distraction, agitation and worry. Participants will learn and practice the basic tools of mindfulness and learn how and why mindfulness works. Contact us for more information or if you have a group interested in attending mindfulness classes.