Doddridge County 4-H members - are you interested in attending a state camp or event? A list of camps and events are available at the link below. Make a selection from the Events List to access details and registration. Early registration is required, and there are discount levels according to registration date.
Doddridge County News
Low-Cost Blood Analysis Available in Doddridge County
Individuals needing a low-cost blood analysis are encouraged to visit the Doddridge County Health Department on the following dates. The Doddridge County Community Educational Outreach Service (DCCEOS) and the Doddridge County Health Department continue their partnership to provide this service to the community. Please call the DC Health Department at 304-873-1531 if you have questions or need further information.
2019 Garden Calendar is Available: "Back to Garden Basics"
Your copy of the WVU Extension Garden Calendar – Back to Garden Basics – is waiting for you at the WVU Doddridge County Extension office! The "basics" theme for our 2019 WVU Extension Service Garden Calendar was chosen because we are seeing more and more young people interested in gardening and who want to enjoy the satisfaction of growing their own food.
State Fair of West Virginia Scholarship Program Open to Doddridge Exhibitors
The State Fair of West Virginia offers scholarships to applicants pursuing a vocational trade, associate or bachelor degree who have participated in the junior livestock show, equine show, or 4-H and FFA Youth Exhibit Program within the previous five years. Most applications are due in early March.
WVU Scholarships Available to Doddridge 4-H'ers
Thanks to the generosity of former 4-H’ers, WVU Extension Service has several scholarships available to 4-H youths who are attending WVU Morgantown. Scholarship applications must be postmarked by March 31.
That’s My Pan! CEOS Fundraiser
That’s My Pan!® products are available for purchase during this on-going Doddridge County CEOS fundraiser. The vast array of available products include bakeware, cookie tins, coffee mugs, cutting boards, utensils, etc. Many items can be personalized and engraved for a great gift! Your order will support our local DCCEOS organization.
2018-2020 Doddridge County CEOS County Council Officers
The new 2018-2020 Doddridge County CEOS County Council officers are:
President Patty McMillan, Bloomers
CEOS Committee Reports
Continuing Education Committee would like for members to continue collecting pop tabs and Box Tops for Education. And we have started collecting plastic caps for all types of bottles.
Volunteer hours need to be submitted to Debbie Yerkey, Marketing and Membership Committee Chair, by August 15 in order for hours to be submitted for fall conference.
Citizenship Washington Focus
Every summer, high school students from across the country travel to Washington, D.C. to participate in Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF), 4‑H’s premier leadership and citizenship program for high school students. CWF is more than a Washington, D.C. field trip – it’s an opportunity for 4‑H’ers to learn how to be civic leaders and make a difference in their communities.