Gilmer County CEOS
The West Virginia Community Educational Outreach Service (WVCEOS) has a strong tradition of education, service, and community develo p.m.ent, dating back to 1914 when the first club (Farm Women’s Club in Ohio County) was established. The West Virginia University Extension provides support to the organization through county and state faculty. Extension faculty members serve as advisers to local groups and the state board and develop WVCEOS progr a.m. topics on timely issues. Progr a.m. areas of emphasis include: preserving the environment, building f a.m.ily strengths, and increasing awareness of our global interdependence. Find out more about the CEOS progr a.m. in West Virginia.
Baldwin CEOS Club
1st Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.
Baldwin Community Building
President: Bonnie Drake
Conings CEOS Club
3rd Friday at 11 a.m.
Gilmer County Senior Citizens Center
President: Ann Nestor
Cox’s Mills CEOS Club
2nd Tuesday at 6 p.m.
Cox’s Mills Community Building
President: Shelly Mason
Kanawha Drive CEOS Club
1st Monday at 7 p.m.
Kanawha Drive Community Building
President: Caroline Cusick
Lockney CEOS Club
2nd Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Lockney Community Building
President: Linda Bailey
Gilmer County CEOS County Council
January; March; May; July; September; November
10 a.m. at Gilmer County Senior Center
President: Melissa Peggs