WVU Jefferson County Extension
At your service in our community.
Upcoming Events of Interest to Jefferson County
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Intro to Gardening Series
Thinking about starting your own garden but not sure where to begin? Visit your local library at one of our upcoming sessions to hear from a WVU Extension Master Gardener on the basics of starting a new vegetable garden. Each session presented will be the same, RSVP to the location you wish to attend.
Read about Intro to Gardening Series
Martinsburg Gardening Workshop March 22
Join the Berkeley-Jefferson WVU Extension Master Gardener Association for a morning of gardening workshops to kick off the 2024 growing season. This year, the program will include nine sessions to choose from, with topics geared towards beginner gardeners, intermediate gardeners, and advanced gardeners.
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Time: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., doors open at 8:30 a.m.
Read about Martinsburg Gardening Workshop March 22
Jefferson 4-H Report
Monthly Challenges Recap
Jefferson County 4-H clubs and members have participated in monthly challenges all through 2021. Members are given specific "challenges" to complete, such as bringing a a friend to a 4-H meeting, or taking a selfie with a can of soup to be donated to a local food pantry.
4-H clubs also participate in challenges, such as collecting items to be donated to various charities, including JJ Bags for Foster Kids, Martinsburg VA. Nursing Home, and more. Members and clubs that participated are entered into a drawing each month, and given the chance to win prizes.
Market Steer Weigh-In
The 4-H & FFA Market Steer weigh-in & identification will be held Saturday December 11, 2021, from 9-10 a.m. at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. This event is mandatory for each steer that is intended to be shown as a market steer project during the 2022 Jefferson County Fair and each youth exhibitor is strongly encouraged to be present with their animal(s) at the event.
Please have the following information ready for each animal brought to the weigh in; Exhibitors name, address, and phone number, is the animal a 4-H or FFA project, the location that the animal will be housed, and the animal's DOB.
Part of the National Cooperative Extension System
All universities engage in research and teaching, but the nation’s more than 100 land-grant colleges and universities including WVU, have another critical mission: Extension. Extension means reaching out, and along with teaching and research land-grant institutions extend their resources, solving public needs with college or university resources through local programs. With more than 3,000 county offices in the USA, the National Cooperative Extension System is the local front door for many citizens to their state land-grant institutions.
Putting Knowledge to Work!
The West Virginia University Extension works to provide solutions in your community through key programs and resources, including agriculture and natural resources; 4-H and youth development; food and nutrition; health and wellness; financial planning; and home gardening. These research-based programs and services are available to all Jefferson County residents thanks to the tremendous support of our community members, local organizations, volunteers and local partners, including the Board of Education and County Commission.
Jefferson County Highlights
- Packaged and distributed 10,000 educational kits to county youths during the coronavirus pandemic.
- Created and distributed 217 buttons to teachers as part of the Familiar Faces button campaign.
- Completed a $36,000 grant focusing on nutrient management plan recordkeeping in the Eastern Panhandle.
- Community Educational Outreach Service members logged 14,500 hours of community service at a value of $394,400.
No events available at this time.