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WVU Hardy County Extension

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The feet of someone in brown cowboy boots with embroidered flowers, stepping on a shovel stuck in the soil.

Organic Matter Maintenance for Thriving Soil

This Month in the Garden Calendar

Upcoming Events of Interest to Hardy County

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Part of the National Cooperative Extension System

All universities engage in research and teaching, but the nation’s more than 100 land-grant colleges and universities including WVU, have another critical mission: Extension. Extension means reaching out, and along with teaching and research land-grant institutions extend their resources, solving public needs with college or university resources through local programs. With more than 3,000 county offices in the USA, the National Cooperative Extension System is the local front door for many citizens to their state land-grant institutions.

Putting Knowledge to Work!

The West Virginia University Extension works to provide solutions in your community through key programs and resources, including agriculture and natural resources; 4-H and youth development; food and nutrition; health and wellness; financial planning; and home gardening. These research-based programs and services are available to all Hardy County residents thanks to the tremendous support of our community members, local organizations, volunteers and local partners, including the Board of Education and County Commission.

Hardy County Highlights

    • Due to the pandemic, many slaughterhouses were closed in the Midwest. There was a large supply of hogs ready for slaughter and no way to process them. Many market-ready hogs were being euthanized to make room for the next crop of piglets. The West Virginia COVID Market Hog Project brought some of the hogs to West Virginia to be used. More than 200 individuals bought the hogs to be slaughtered and used by their families. Potomac Highlands brought in and sold more than 800 hogs in Moorefield and Elkins.
    • Hardy County WVU Extension partnered with West Virginia Mask Army and more than 30 community volunteers to produce more 7,000 masks for medical facilities, community organizations, home health workers, essential employees and at-risk community members.
    • Camp URLinked was provided to 40 youths in June. Participants received take-home packets that included a variety of STEM, creative arts, health and personal development activities and materials.
