Do you love Livestock? Join our Virtual Livestock Skill-a-thon and Quiz Bowl Competitions
this April and May.
West Virginia 4-H'ers love learning about livestock, and this spring, they will have
a chance to test their knowledge in two virtual formats:
- Virtual Livestock Skill-a-thons on Thursdays in April 2021
- All-Species Quiz Bowl Contest via Live Zoom on May 13, 2021
These contests are open to 4-H youth between the ages of 8 (as of September 30, 2020) and 18 (as of January 1, 2021).
There are opportunities for 4-H volunteers and older youth to support team practices as coaches and instructors. Reach out to your local Extension office if you wish to volunteer your time and talents with 4-H youth.
How Do I Sign Up?
Decide if you want to participate in the Skill-a-thons, Quiz Bowl, or both contests.
Then register online through ZSuite. Both contests are in the
Event section for registration.
Virtual Livestock Skill-a-thons Open in April
WVU Extension is thrilled to offer skill-a-thons covering all our livestock species. Our virtual 4-H skill-a-thons will feature photos, videos, and written questions about livestock and animal husbandry.
Each Thursday in April test your skills with a different livestock species:
- April 1: Swine
- April 8: Goats and Sheep (combined)
- April 15: Horses
- April 22: Beef and Dairy (separate contests open on the same day)
- April 29: Rabbits and Poultry (separate contests open on the same day)
Contest Content for each species may include:
- Breed ID
- Parts
- Feeds
- Meats/ Cuts
- Equipment
- Animal ID (ear notching, tagging, freeze-branding)
- Plant ID
- Quality assurance
- Parasites
- Reproduction
Contest Details:
Contestants may log in between 8:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. the day of a given competition to complete the timed skill-a-thon contest on that week's species.
On May 13, 2021, in a live virtual event, top scorers in junior and senior age groups for each species contest will be awarded. In addition, the contestants with the highest scores in all the April contests combined will be crowned the Animal Science Skill-a-thon Champions.
These skill-a-thon contests are open to any active 4-H members between the ages of 8 (as of September 30, 2020) and 18 (as of January 1, 2021). Youth will compete individually.
Registration is open NOW at:
Contact your
local 4-H or Agriculture Extension Agent for more information and
to connect with training opportunities.
All-Species Quiz Bowl Contest via Live Zoom
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Brush up on your livestock facts and join your 4-H friends for an evening of
Quiz Bowl fun!
WVU Extension will host both Junior and Senior Livestock Quiz Bowl competitions in a live virtual event.
Plan of Play:
County teams of 4 contestants will compete in individual, toss-up and team questions covering all our livestock species: beef, dairy, poultry, sheep, goats, swine, horses and rabbits.
Competition will take place on Zoom with youth using an app to buzz in with their answers.
There will be three phases of play:
- One-On-One Phase (8 questions with each being addressed to the opposing players in the first through fourth chairs consecutively.)
- Team Phase (8 questions with each team being asked questions in turn.)
- Toss-up /Bonus phase (16 questions asked to the first contestant that buzzes in. Every fourth question includes a bonus for the team that answers the toss-up correctly.)
Awards will be presented to the junior and senior winning Quiz Bowl teams and (if warranted) individuals.
Livestock Quiz Bowl is open to any active 4-H members between the ages of 8 (as of September 30, 2020) and 18 (as of January 1, 2021). Youth will compete as teams, with the possibility for individual rounds if needed.
Forming a Team:
Contact your local 4-H or Agriculture Extension Agent for more information and to connect with teammates and training opportunities.
While these are team competitions, we encourage students that do not have a full 4-person county team to still register and practice, as we will help facilitate the formation of multi-county teams via registration information.
Registration is open NOW at: