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West Virginia 4-H to hold Climate Change Design Summit in February

Four teenages walking together across a field

Are you a motivated 4-H member who likes to create mobile videos and speak in front of a camera? West Virginia University Extension Service is taking the lead on developing video-based learning experiences focused on climate change and we need your help!

We are organizing a dynamic team of 4-H members to create four to six learning modules that will be video-based, utilizing teens as teachers to deliver the activities. Through a sub-grant from National 4-H Council, we are gathering fifteen 4-H members at Jackson's Mill to film and edit the learning modules. Participants will be provided with branded 4-H shirts to wear when they are being filmed in the new STEAM building.

These learning experiences will be added to the 4-H at Home platform for families across the country. Additionally, these videos will be part of Season 3 of the Energy Express show on WVPBS during summer 2022.


Man with camera filming person on stairs
  • You must be able to commit to two Zoom sessions prior to the Summit (Weds. Jan 26 & Feb 2 at 6 p.m.)
  • You must be able to commit to attended the Climate Changed Design Summit at WVU Jackson's Mill in-person for the weekend of February 18 - 20, 2022.

If more individuals apply than the allotted 15 spots on the team, members will be selected based on their registration responses and county Extension office's recommendation.

Potential Learning Experiences

Our grant outlined the development of the following 5 climate change modules:

  1. Greenhouse Effect Bottles - Thermometer in a bottle vs thermometer outside. Which is warmer?
  2. Greenhouse Effect Mason Jar Terrarium - Make a self-sustaining terrarium using a mason jar and some local greenery.
  3. Ocean Levels Rising: Sea Ice vs Land Ice - Examine the difference between ice melting on land or in the sea in our model.
  4. Climate March - Youth will organize a climate information event virtually or in person. Model speaking with legislators. Model civic engagement by encouraging youth to write letters on the subject of climate change to their local and state representatives.
  5. Climate Career Pathways - Youth will explore 2-3 pathways for careers focused on climate change.

Adult Volunteers

There is an opportunity for a few 4-H volunteers to attend the Summit as chaperones. If you are interested, you must be a current 4-H volunteer, with all trainings and background checks up-to-date. There is a separate application/registration for interested adults.

How Do I Sign Up?

Apply to be a part of this dynamic team as a 4-H member or adult chaperone in ZSuite no later than Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 12 p.m.

Apply in 4-H ZSuite

The WVU 4-H Climate Change Design Summit will be following all local and WVU COVID Policies.

This work is supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, Education and Workforce Development Program, grant no. 2021-67037-33376/ Project Accession No. 1024940, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture.